
Loggings Impact on our Environment

How Logging effects our Environment Logging is a big problem in the world right now. There is such a large demand for paper products and also wood products. In this blog I am going to talk about the effects of logging on our environment but also why we need logging for our everyday lives. I think this is an important topic because we use so much paper and products in our everyday life. I know we need logging however is there a way to minimize the environmental damage caused from logging by maybe only logging in small chunks of land and re planting new trees. I also was thinking maybe there is a way to to replace all paper products from bamboo. Because we still need lots of wood to build new houses and fix old ones. However if we were able to cut the need for wood for paper towels and such products then maybe we can improve our environment. I also wonder if there is a way to speed up the growth of trees so we can replant and cut down at a steady rate. (Public Domain Pictures, Cut Tree L...

Fish Hatcheries Impact on the Environment

     Fish Hatcheries Impact on our Environment Local            Annie Ropeik from NHPR news states that " A new federal water permit is out for a state fish hatchery in New Durham that's accused, in a federal lawsuit, of polluting waters that feed into Lake Winnipesaukee." This new permit is to try to limit the wastewater that is dumped into the surrounding river. According to Annie “The new permit lowers by about half – the EPA’s initially proposed limit on how much phosphorus the hatchery can put into the river, from 25 to 12 parts per billion year-round.” She also acknowledges that the state has a short term plan to help reduce the waist because the permit will take a long time to activate. This includes “changing to a lower-phosphorus fish food, moving some fish to other hatcheries, and storing waste for land application as fertilizer instead of putting it into the river.” We also see this happening on a global scale not just local...

Pollutions affect on Marine Animals

How pollution affects Marine Animals This week, I watched three ted talks, which are videos with experts in their field talking to an audience about their research. The ted talks that I watched focused on Our ocean and how it is being affected by global warming and pollution.The main idea of these ted talks are to show us how our Ocean environments are changing due to climate change and due to all the pollution. One idea that I found interesting was that there are these dead zones that sea animals are not able to live in. I thought it was interesting because I thought this was interesting because these dead zones cover thousands of square miles but yet no one really thinks anything of it until now. (Singh, Yogendra. Water Pollution .)                It made me wonder how many animals are affected by pollution and global warming. So I looked up some more information about this idea. I read an article from WWF about Pollution threats, I found m...

Climate Change Effects our Environment

  Climate Change           T his week, I read a blog about the environment. This blog was written by Julia Jacobo from ABC news, in this blog it talked about what you can do to prevent Climate Change. The main idea of this blog is to educate people about climate change and how it affects us. One idea that I found interesting was that climate change can be very bad for us if we do not make efforts to fix it. I thought it was interesting because it is a huge worldwide topic but also affects small towns and cities. It made me wonder about weather, so I looked up some more information about this idea. On the website Weather events are getting more frequent and more dangerous, I found more information about how storms are getting worse and hurricanes and other natural disasters. One piece of information I found was that climate change is the most serious public health issue facing the world. This information supported the information in the original blog a...