Loggings Impact on our Environment
How Logging effects our Environment Logging is a big problem in the world right now. There is such a large demand for paper products and also wood products. In this blog I am going to talk about the effects of logging on our environment but also why we need logging for our everyday lives. I think this is an important topic because we use so much paper and products in our everyday life. I know we need logging however is there a way to minimize the environmental damage caused from logging by maybe only logging in small chunks of land and re planting new trees. I also was thinking maybe there is a way to to replace all paper products from bamboo. Because we still need lots of wood to build new houses and fix old ones. However if we were able to cut the need for wood for paper towels and such products then maybe we can improve our environment. I also wonder if there is a way to speed up the growth of trees so we can replant and cut down at a steady rate. (Public Domain Pictures, Cut Tree L...