Loggings Impact on our Environment

How Logging effects our Environment

Logging is a big problem in the world right now. There is such a large demand for paper products and also wood products. In this blog I am going to talk about the effects of logging on our environment but also why we need logging for our everyday lives. I think this is an important topic because we use so much paper and products in our everyday life. I know we need logging however is there a way to minimize the environmental damage caused from logging by maybe only logging in small chunks of land and re planting new trees. I also was thinking maybe there is a way to to replace all paper products from bamboo. Because we still need lots of wood to build new houses and fix old ones. However if we were able to cut the need for wood for paper towels and such products then maybe we can improve our environment. I also wonder if there is a way to speed up the growth of trees so we can replant and cut down at a steady rate.

Lumber, Log, Wood, Tree, Cross Section, Tree Log
(Public Domain Pictures, Cut Tree Log)

Global Forest Atlas states “Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, especially in tropical rainforests where over 50% of all of the world’s documented animal and plant species are found. Logging also directly impacts soil and hydrological cycles, as the reduction in tree cover leads to increases in water runoff and soil erosion.” This really shows how logging affects our environment and all the animals that live in it. Throughout the article Global Forest Atlas talks about the many ways that logging or Deforestation damage our environment. And why it is so important to keep our forests alive. Also we see carbon levels increasing in the world due to pollution and deforestation. Trees give us Oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. This is the process of taking in carbon dioxide and Releasing Oxygen, as many of you may know from your middle school science classes. However Not only do they just take in carbon dioxide and release it they also store and are made up of carbon. And when they are cut down or fall down, that carbon is slowly released back into the atmosphere. This is why it is such a big deal not to replant trees after logging because we can't just stop logging all together.

(jplenio, Forest)

Future Forest Inc talks about six reasons why logging is so important to maintaining our everyday life. Also provides a lot of quality information not just opinions. One of the big reasons said by The Future Forest Inc was that logging  “Provides necessary materials – Logging is a main source of timber which is used for a number of human needs such as providing construction materials, flooring wood, furniture, fuel for industries and homes, sports goods and other kinds of commodities. Apart from these products, timber also aids in the making of skyscrapers, dentures, cars and fighter planes. It is also used as a raw material in some industries Thus we can see that timber is used in our day-to-day lives at an advance rate and it can only be derived through the activity of logging.” Now you may see why we can't just stop logging, it is a necessary thing to continue life as we know it.

(Freestocks-Photos, Board Board Board)

        I really want to emphasize that logging is no doubt harmful to our environment. It definitely hurts the habitats of many creatures. However I also want to talk about how important it is not only for us but for the trees and the environment itself. I know many may not agree but I believe if we go about it right we can take trees and also not harm the environments around them. I believe if we continue to plant the same number of trees as we take while also not whipping out whole forests at a time I know that it is possible not to damage our environment while also being able to get the amount of trees necessary to have lumber and paper products we desire. I know there are companies that are trying to cut back the paper products because so much of it is wasted. Many companies have started using  bamboo instead of the traditional hardwoods because it grows a lot quicker and the time from plantation to harvest is a lot shorter than what we are doing now. It is really important to ensure the survival of our environment, however we also need to keep logging in order to build new homes and keep workers like carpenters and lumber mills and loggers with jobs. I know many of you may say that logging is terrible and there is no reason for it and we should stop right now. But not only would that put millions of people out of jobs, it would put millions of stores without wood, no new houses would be built, carpenters would be out of jobs, tool companies would not have anyone buying tools. Homes would not be able to be fixed, and the list goes on and on about the need for this logging. However I do agree that we need to ensure the survival of our forests.

(TheUjulala, Heart Wood Logs)

     This is why we need to take the necessary steps so that we can continue to have a steady income of trees and lumber for the rest of the time we are on this earth. This is why we need to take action and start planting trees now. This will only help a little though. The main thing we need to do is not take all the trees from one spot. Although this is easier for the logging companies we can't wipe out entire forests and expect them and the animals to live in them to be fine. It may be harder but if these companies want to be in business for a long time to come we need to not harm these environments. If we take smaller amounts of trees from a larger amount of land while also planting more trees in their place this will really help to not cause major problems in our environments. 


Freestocks-photos. Board Board Board. 13 Jan. 2017. Pixabay, 11 Nov. 2017,
     pixabay.com/photos/board-boards-material-pile-plank-2941888/. Accessed 13
     Jan. 2021.
Jplenio. Forest. 21 Dec. 2013. Pixabay, 2 June 2018, pixabay.com/photos/
     forest-trees-sunbeam-autumn-3448818/. Accessed 13 Jan. 2021.
"Logging." Global Forest Atlas, Yale School of The Environment, 2015,
     o%20climate%20change. Accessed 13 Jan. 2021.
PublicDomainPictures. Cut Tree Log. 30 June 2012. Pixabay, 21 Feb. 2013,
     pixabay.com/photos/lumber-log-wood-tree-cross-section-84678/. Accessed 13
     Jan. 2021.
TheUjulala. Heart Wood Logs. 24 Mar. 2016. Pixabay, 31 Mar. 2016, pixabay.com/
     users/theujulala-59978/. Accessed 13 Jan. 2021.
Unraveledmedia. "Six Benefits of Logging Forests." Future Forest Consulting Inc,
     4 Feb. 2016, www.futureforestinc.com/six-benefits-of-logging-forests/
     %20sunlight. Accessed 13 Jan. 2021.


  1. Do you think it's possible that shifting some of our wood/paper use to other kinds of products (reusable or recycled ones) would help to offset some of the impact on the environment? Are there logging companies that are trying to be more ecologically friendly?


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